Here are some amazing and useful eBooks we recommend! 

Eliminating Holiday Debt
"Holiday debt is a serious issue, but there are ways to tackle the problem before, during and after it starts." This eBook gives you practical, hands-on ideas of how to beat debt and how to plan ahead for next year.  
 Financial Plans & Budgeting
"This report is dedicated to not only showing you why a budget is a beautiful thing but how to create a budget that works for you, how to get out of debt and stay out, and how to plan for the future with confidence."

 Frugal Living 
 "Living frugally is finding opportunities to save money and seizing them." This step-by-step guide will help you become smarter with your money management, become smarter at your spending, and stretch every dollar.

Home Organization For Moms
"To become organized is a state of mind with many actions taking place to become a person prepared for anything that happens in life.... [H]aving an organized household helps." Acheive organization with this guide with its practical and detailed steps for each room of your house.

Time Management For Moms
 "Time management is the process of managing your time." Sounds simple enough, right? Time management is one of the biggest challenges of life as a mom. Find some great advice on schedules, routines, time management in your business and home, time saving tips for everyday and special events and so much more.

Meal Time ... On Time
 Get back on track and organized when it comes to your family's meals. Learn the value and success of meal planning, freezer cooking and making your kitchen easy to use. This guide also has easy to follow, delicious recipes to get your creative cooking juices flowing!

   Make It Fun!

One of the challenges of parenting is thinking up ideas of what to do to spend quality time with our children. So, Lisa Marie has created this guide to help you!
Each monthly guide provides ideas of crafts, activities, games and other fun things to do with your child during the course of the month. Each month has a topic and a colour to focus on and has a wide range of diversity and skills involved.
Click here to read more about the guide and to have a sneak peek at what's included in the current edition.
Sign up today receive each guide monthly for only $8.99!
Or you can purchase each guide of your choice individually at the Make It Fun eGuide archive.